The three legs of the stool of antiviral support (EN)

An Advancement in the Treatment of Viral Illnesses with Biological Medicine

Dr. T. Ray OMD

The Situation. As of October, 2020, the Covid-19 vaccine is said to be anywhere between a month and a year away, if it actually works, and if it isn’t more problematic than the disease it attempts to prevent. The hospitals, if anywhere, have the highest concentrations of virus, bacteria super bugs, mold and parasites. Some of the western medical drugs show promise, but to mixed reviews, and certainly not what I would want to trust my life to. The fear associated with the pandemic is manifesting in accelerated crime rates and a growing crisis in mental health. It’s a financial disasterHuge sectors ofthe population. We are nowsaid to be heading into a second wave and increased lockdown measures. I’d like to give you a way of being less afraid of this situation, armed with effective countermeasures.

Purpose: To explain the effective Alternative Medical / Biological Medicine  treatment of viral conditions if terrain Restoration, immune support and antivirals are used at the same time. These are the three indispensable and mutually reinforcing tiers of the protocol, the stabilizing legs of the tripod. For the case example we’ll use interferon resistant viral hepatitis while detailing the therapeutic method. We further note that this treatment method has been applicable to a variety of recalcitrant (chronic) and novel (acute) diseases including viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. This is largely because the immune and drainage enhancing impacts of Terrain Restoration increases the utilization of the anti-microbials/ anti virals, which in turn reduces the toxicity of the Terrain.

We have taught this method to hundreds of practitioners from all professional specialties, who have used it successfully for decades. Several aspects of the process, such as the toxin chelators and metabolic regulators, are both peer reviewed[i] and indi lab tested for safety and effectiveness[ii].

What is “Drainage”? A classic from alternative medicine: One always gives “drainage” support along with whatever protocol that directly addresses the diagnosis/ issue. What they are talking about is supporting the Terrain with drainage. What is drainage? Simply: liver and kidney support. What is liver support? Making sure that excess acids are being drained through the urine and that the detox pathways 1 and 2 are functional. Kidney support includes tonic herbs to strengthen kidney function and promote diuresis. What that means in Terrain terms is that the first order of business in Terrain Restoration is being managed: removing the exess acidity. Without this step, one cannot do a deeper cleaning, or manage the repercussions of a concurrent aggressive protocol. Once the acidity is resolved, many systems in the body respond favorably to the reduction in congestion and thus internal stress, including the immune system, and oddly enough, the liver and the kidneys…  But why is drainage accepted as so important? Could it be a major key to Good Health?

The Terrain and “Good Health”.  So you can take better aim at the outcome presented herein, you need to understand the Biological Medicine concept of “Good Health”. The newspapers all say we should get some, and then highlight whatever it is in their specialty or on their sales agenda for the day, as the way to get there. But what is it? Is there a unified field theory to fit Good Health? Yes: The Terrain. The Milieu. The Environment – of the inner body and it’s relationship to the outer world. It is the diametrically opposed philosophy to  Pasteur saying “The microbe is everything.” On his deathbed, after he had already seriously restricted the 1890s vision quest of Western Medicine, he admitted that, no, he was wrong, Beauchamp was right, it was the Terrain that was everything. Personally, I don’t think they were aware of Ebola while they were arguing. They were both wrong and both right. These days, one has to address both at the same time. But some damage was done in the past: Western Medicine focused on the disease causing agent in isolation from its early days and discounted the Terrain until very recently, and that is why almost no one has any reference to what the Terrain is and how it relates to good health. It is the foundation for Good Health.

Other clinically relevant components of the Terrain include the mitochondria, the mesenchyme, the meridians[iii]. and the microbiome, all of which deserve deep study. The microbiome is the interface between our insides and the external environment. The commensal organisms that inhabit the gut are our first line of immune defense and they break our food down into pieces that our enzymes can then help us assimilate. Microbiome integrity is relevant to the treatment of viral illnesses[iv]

Is there any historical perspective or proof on this Terrain? Yes. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine, Naturopathy, Chiropractic and other forms of natural medicine all describe and deal with the Terrain from their points of view. So does  Western Medicine but not yet in such an articulate and non mechanistic way as the Traditional methods. What we have done is taken the most relevant aspects of that knowledge and made them clinically useful to practitioners not trained in those disciplines.

The Liver’s Role in Terrain Management.  Your liver lives just under the rib cage on your right side. It is surrounded by ligaments, muscles, veins, arteries, fat, fluids, nerves and meridians. The environment the liver lives in can determine specific genetic expression, and if its surroundings and therefore sources of nourishment and elimination are toxic, it won’t be able to function properly. The Liver is also a key player in the Terrain that it lives in. The liver regulates the metabolism in Western Medicine, but in alternative medical philosophies has several Terrain and Mind regulating responsibilities.

The liver is the Terrain Regulator, and because of that, also the Metabolism Regulator. When it becomes inflamed, infected, compromised physically or by localized tensions, the Terrain suffers with the accumulation of toxins that it was not able to process, which further predisposes the liver to inflammation and infection.

The Liver’s most important single function in Terrain terms, is that it discharges acids from the system… we don’t do well when we are too acidic. Acidity tenses the muscles, which pinch on the nerves, circulatory system and organs, which obstructs communications throughout the body. Systemic acidity also requires constant buffering by the body’s alkaline reserve. But once that runs out, or the diet doesn’t support the minerals required, the immune system begins to weaken and the bugs get in. But here I’m starting to get too med-tech oriented, so lets keep it broad and simple for now: Acidity is the primary Terrain enemy. Once it is cleared, the anti-microbial remedies deliver a much more powerful punch.

Case Study: Viral Hepatitis.  Here is a case study that illustrates the significance of the Terrain in the treatment of an intractable viral infection: hepatitis.

In my Santa Monica, LA practice I cured several people with viral hepatitis, meaning their viral load PCR titers were reduced from in the millions to Zero; and they felt great, revitalized after the total treatment. We used a basic treatment and educational approach that included: removing parasites and other toxins, regulating the diet to suit the individuals metabolic needs, resolving focal issues (including dental, structural, lifestyle, toxic metal and chemical body burden)and once the body had adapted to these positive changes, administering the anti-viral therapy provided by Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation. It worked. They told their hepatitis support group. But it was time for me to leave town. So I referred them to some doctor friends in the area, and explained the Ultra Violet Blood treatment protocol that we had used. Some time later I spoke with one of their group who had taken the referral and the treatment, and NONE of them had had any beneficial results or reduction in viral load. Why?

I asked if the doctor had done a deep systemic heavy metal and chemical detox protocol (with lab provable intracellular detox capability), a gut parasite and flora protocol, and diet driven metabolic management, which can take a couple months, before sending them in for 10 treatments with Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation. No. The anti microbial didn’t stand a chance against the bug, toxicity and resulting deregulation combined. That’s the difference between trying to kill a viscious bug in a clean Terrain versus a stagnant and filthy one.It’s Life and Death folks. Our defensive weapons are weaker than some of the current pathogens.

Common Sense. Here is an observation, garnered over decades of clinical work: when one is acurately administering a protocol that addresses all three legs of the tripod: Terrain Regulation, Immune Support, and specific Anti-Microbial therapy, if the patient feels better, they are better. We have a way of objectively measuring real time human Terrain biochemistries, and can see that, without fail, when the Terrain is improving, the patient can feel it. No healing crisis is required, they can feel and be better while they are getting better.


Our immune systems receive metabolic support from various other body systems that depend on the environment they live in, our body, which depends on sustenance from the environment it lives in, to function effectively. And what happens if none of these steps are satisfied to at least a functional degree? Infection.

The three tiered protocol, including Terrain Regulation, Immune Support and specific Anti-Microbials or antivirals for dealing with microbial infections, is best used when the concept of the Terrain is understood and included. Terrain Management is just a more articulate way of saying prevention because to achieve prevention requires the same steps as managing and cleaning the Terrain. With Terrain Management in place, dealing with microbial assault from superbugs, viruses, parasites, the flu, and even chronic degenerative disease, is much less problematic. Prevention IS cleaning the Terrain, and that is your best, self sustaining, real time and free life insurance.

[i]Explore for the Professional, Towsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Co-Med Germany.

[ii]Labs on file and posted in the Physicians Area of the website.

[iii] Rivers of photons that connect and create communications between all cells, organs and areas of the body; where biochemical meets bioelectrical.


References and Links:

Vaccine not very good. Faucci.
Ethnic trials:
Self care required:
Nature. in 2021
The situation:   The trouble with the current Status Quo management of the Pandemic is that it can’t work. Because nobody in charge is dealing with the internal environment, let alone  the external environment that has poisoned us all. So if you kill the mosquito, but the pond is still stagnant, what do you thinkwill happen when the next lonely mosquito flies along? That pond just might look like home.  
New WHO md rep
Good Health a required pre-condition
“Might never go away.”
Virus in the sky

[1]Explore for the Professional, Towsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Co-Med Germany.

[2]Labs on file and posted in the Physicians Area of the website.

[3] Rivers of photons that connect and create communications between all cells, organs and areas of the body; where biochemical meets bioelectrical.
